Thursday, July 20, 2006

Interview with Gary Gygax

Okay, so Gary Gygax is a legend among RPGer's, and for good reason. He took the fantasy game as a concept and made it a money-making empire, and for that he must be saluted. It's too bad he got sucked into the world of children's animation in the 1980's... it really watered down his godlike status.

At any rate, here's a pretty informative interview about his D&D past.

It looks like Gen-Con 2007...

For those of you wondering, it looks like "Caverns" will not be ready for the So-Cal "Gen-Con" in November 2006. It's not an issue of gameplay, as much as an issue of mass marketing. My investor refuses to let the game manuals, caverns, and other imortant documents be seen by the public until our game is "properly packaged" (his words) and ready for sale.

Good things are worth waiting for though, right? And we could possibly be ready for the European Gen-Con in May 2007... but I'd be killed by my WWII enthusiast friends for letting the French get the first look at a completed "C&C" game.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Reefer Madness for RPG players...

...presenting the original "Dark Dungeons", the Christian knee-jerk reaction to D&D's success in the 1980's.

Remember the rash of kids committing suicide because they couldn't distinguish reality from fantasy? Me neither. It's pretty good artwork though... I must admit.

Also, don't miss "Straight Talk on Dungeons & Dragons"... it's a must read.

Comic-Con starts TOMORROW!

One thing to take note of:
On Thursday, at 3:30, Sergio Aragones will address why there have been no Groo comics for so long. Hopefully this is followed by information on when new comics will be coming out!
Room 8 for those who don't know. See you there!

Monday, July 17, 2006

I needed a picture for my profile. Therefore I needed to upload a picture to a post first. Frank Frazetta RULES!!!!